Although everyone knows how harmful daily toxins can be, humans produce a toxic flood of over 250 billion tons a year. The worst part is that a significant portion of these chemicals lurks in your home, in the food, water, air, personal care products, and almost everything else in your environment. Unfortunately, most American homes are loaded with toxins.
Did you know that exposure to harmful toxins makes thousands of Americans sick every year? In 2020 alone, 424,360 nonfatal injuries and illnesses and 798 fatalities were reported. The numbers are scary, even more, if you have a baby, a senior, or a pregnant family member at home. Harmful pollutants can elevate cancer risk and damage your developing child’s IQ.
Eliminating hazardous chemicals from your place should be a priority. Fortunately, you can do it by adopting a few simple lifestyle measures and giving up on a few things. That may sound like a lot of work, but it’s a small price for your family’s health. Awareness gives you a head start by helping you identify the potential culprits in the first place.
Let us share a practical checklist to lower the toxic load of your living space and ensure the safety of your loved ones.
Filter Your Water
You use water for everything, from hydration to washing veggies, cooking food, and sterilizing your baby’s bottles. What if it is high in contaminants? Having a water filter at home is the best place to start when it comes to lowering the toxic load. You must also check the supplies regularly to ensure it is clean and unpolluted.
The Camp Lejeune disaster is a lesson in this context. More than a million residents were exposed to fatal toxins in domestic supplies for three decades. Countless victims developed cancer. The Camp Lejeune Justice Act validates the gravity of the event. The only solace is that victims can collaborate with the best lawyers for a Camp Lejeune lawsuit to claim compensation for their pain and suffering.
The team at TorHoerman Law notes that victims and families should ensure eligibility and file a claim sooner than later so that they do not miss out on the deadline. The Act gives two years to file a lawsuit and claim damages. It is crucial to have evidence to validate your presence in the area between 1953 and 1987 and link your medical condition with toxin exposure.
Ditch Plastics
Plastic bottles and containers are super-convenient, but they are the worst culprits if you are worried about the toxic burden of your lifestyle. Besides being unhealthy for you, they are bad for the environment. Bisphenol A (BPA) can disrupt your endocrine balance. Even if you get BPA-free plastics, they have tons of additives that may be equally harmful.
Heating plastics worsens the leaching of the chemical and goes right within your body with food or drinks. Avoid plastics and switch to glass or stainless steel products. You can save your health and reduce your carbon footprint with this simple swap.
Go Natural and Organic
Another easy step to eliminate chemicals from your home is to go natural and organic. Start by getting rid of chemical cleaners and personal care products. You can save your health and tons of money by using vinegar as a green cleaner and nourishing your skin with a fresh fruit pack instead of using expensive creams and lotions.
Eating organic food can save you from the hazards of pesticides and chemicals in regular production. Buy fresh fruits and vegetables from the local market instead of opting for packaged variants. Growing your own food is even better.
Invest in a Vacuum With a HEPA Filter
According to WHO statistics, household air pollution claimed an estimated 3.2 million lives in 2020. Imagine how harmful contaminated air can be to your loved ones. Shower curtains emit VOCs, sofas have flame retardants, and plastics leach phthalates. You breathe in these pollutants day and night.
Replacing everything immediately is impossible, but you can invest in a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to reduce exposure. It gets contaminants out of your house and makes the air safe. Setting up an indoor garden with air-purifying plants is another easy shortcut.
Take Off Your Shoes
Taking off your shoes before entering your home is the smartest thing to do. Your shoes carry bacteria and viruses, contaminated dust from nearby construction, and pesticides sprayed in parks. These toxins can harm little ones and pets as they come in direct contact with the pollutants.
Set up a shoe rack at the entrance and establish a no-shoes rule for everyone, even for house guests. You can keep a few pairs of slippers near the shoe rack if walking barefoot doesn’t work for you.
Your living space may be loaded with toxins, and you will possibly not have the slightest hint until these chemicals damage the health of your loved ones. The best piece of advice is to be proactive about reducing the toxin load of your home and make it safe and healthy.