A surgical facelift, known as a rhytidectomy, is one of the most effective cosmetic procedures for eliminating sagging skin and wrinkles. It can also address issues like a double chin and displaced facial fat.
But before getting a facelift, you should understand the pros and cons of this surgery.
Facelifts, or rhytidectomy as it is also called, can help you achieve a younger appearance. The procedure can tighten loose, hanging skin on the neck and jawline, remove excess fat and reduce wrinkles. Surgery can be performed under local or general anesthesia, sedation, and a combination of both. The surgeon can tighten and sculpt the facial muscles, underlying tissues, and other structures. The excess skin is removed, and the wound is closed using sutures or staples.
Facelifts can make you appear up to 10 years younger. This surgery is popular with men and women over 40, as the results last a long time.
Consult an experienced cosmetic surgeon who has performed the procedure for many years before you decide to undergo a facelift. You can ask about their experience and the results they’ve achieved for other patients. The more experience a cosmetic surgeon possesses, the better they can tailor the procedure for you.
You can prepare for surgery by having someone drive you there and back and stay with you while you recover since you will be anesthetized. You can expect swelling, bruising and numbness after the procedure. These symptoms will fade as you heal.
If you have sagging skin around the neck and jawline, or deep creases surrounding your mouth, a facelift can smooth out these lines and restore the youthful appearance of your face. However, a surgical facelift can have side effects, including swelling and bruising. If these side effects are not dealt with properly, you may experience a slower healing process or scarring that is thicker or more visible than expected. This is why choosing a board-certified cosmetic surgeon to perform your facelift is so important.
The recovery from a facelift can take anywhere from two to three weeks. During this time, you must avoid direct sunlight and apply sunscreen whenever going outside. Most patients can return to work and daily activities after this period. The time it takes to recover will depend on your surgeon’s technique and how invasive the procedure is.
The best way to prepare for your facelift is to have someone who can drive you to and from the surgery and stay with you afterward to help you manage pain medication and other side effects. It would help if you also planned on sleeping with your head elevated to minimize the effects of swelling. Any visible bruising should have faded by the end of your first week.
Many patients worry that a facelift will be expensive, and many factors can influence the price tag. The surgeon’s fees will be a large portion of the total cost, and the more skilled the surgeon is, the higher the fee will be. Moreover, the more extensive the procedure is, the more it will cost.
Another significant factor is the location of the surgery. Facelifts, or rhytidectomy as it is also called, can help you look younger. They can tighten the skin on the neck and jawline, remove excess skin, and close the wound with staples or sutures.
The surgery results are lasting and can make you appear up to ten years younger.
Consult an experienced cosmetic doctor with years of experience before you get a facelift. Please find out about their qualifications, and ask them what results they’ve achieved for other patients. A cosmetic surgeon with more experience will better tailor the procedure to achieve your desired outcome.
It would help if you prepared for surgery by having someone drive you there and back and stay with you while you recover. Expect some swelling, bruises, and numbness after the procedure. These should go away as you heal.
Choose a less-invasive facelift option, such as the weekend or mini facelift. This will also reduce the total cost as these procedures don’t require anesthesia or a hospital stay. However, they will not produce as long-lasting or dramatic results as a surgical facelift.
Similarly, a forehead lift, blepharoplasty, laser therapy or fat injections will all be additional expenses needed when planning a complete facial rejuvenation. Lastly, the cost of any prescription medications required to manage side effects will also be included in your final prices.
A natural fear comes with any surgical procedure, which can be amplified when it involves the face. While this is a valid concern, it is important to realize that facelifts are one of the safest cosmetic procedures available today. This is especially true when you work with a board-certified facial plastic surgeon.
The main risks associated with a facelift include nerve injury, infection and anesthesia reactions. While rare, these issues can occur.
During the procedure, your surgeon will separate the skin from the fat and muscle beneath it, trimming and suctioning as needed to improve the appearance of your face and neck. The incisions will be made in places where they will be hidden and are designed to be as discreet as possible.
After the procedure, you may experience some bruising and swelling, but this will improve. Your doctor will let you know when it is safe to go out in public again, and you can cover any redness or bruising with makeup if necessary. If you have any concerns about your recovery or the results of your procedure, speak with your surgeon as soon as possible.